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Yacht management

Yacht management

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Would you like to buy a new boat and pay back your investment in 7 years, thanks to charterers? Here is our Yacht management formula.

The principle is simple: we rent your boat and pay you back the capital invested, while you use your boat for fun.

Thanks to the partnership with Balt Yacht, a solid Northern European boat builder, we can propose the most modern and habitable boats on the market.

This formula is widespread and used by every charter company in the world. The charters will cover entirely the yearly operational costs, recovering much of your invested capital. You will not have to worry about anything; you will find your boat ready to sail, clean, fully equipped, with no worries or obligations.

The charters will help you to pay back your initial investment and the Charter Company guarantees a fixed income. Beyond what is guaranteed, you will be able to choose to re-sell your right of use to tourists, earning even more. In addition, remember that you will save up to EUR 84,000 of running costs over 7 years, as these are borne by the Charter Company.

It is a great win2win formula, which allows the Charter Company to reduce the investment in purchasing a new boat, and you to own a new fully-equipped boat and use it for 7 years without significant costs and without any worries or loss of time.

The programme is dedicated to those who wish to own and enjoy a new boat, but without the obligation of managing it, bearing the costs, logistics, and operation, and without even having the problem of having to resell it at the end of the programme. Everything is guaranteed by the chartering system.

Here is a summary table explaining the parameters of our classic yacht management contract.

Initial investment 109.000 €
Guaranteed capital payback in 7 years 83.000 €
Duration of the program 7 years
Right of use of the boat 21 weeks
Avg value of weeks owned 65.000 €
Possibility of reselling owned weeks Yes
Savings in running costs 84.000 €

Contact us for more information about our Yacht management formula:


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